I’m heading to DC today with the Wine Institute reading the book “The VERY good news about wine” on the plane. The authoritative health evidence that health authorities don’t tell you.

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Thank you for your work, Robin. And…it’s very good reading.

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I'm enjoying it too. If we could only get policy makers to read it.

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Substitute "ice cream" for "alcohol" and there goes the dairy industry too.

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Perhaps this won't happen with the Dietary Guidelines.

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Funny how the government (state and fed) can move towards declassifying MJ, have no problem with high dose sugar sodas, epdiemic obesity, but may now want to attack alcohol?

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But no amount of alcohol IS healthy. People in general tolerate drinking ethanol reasonably well. Most wine drinkers do not get oral/esophageal cancers, alcoholic cirrhosis, cardiovascular disease, dependency, homelessness etc. (Some do of course) Just because we enjoy the taste, ritual and intoxication of alcohol doesn't mean we can pretend there are no consequences. Even less so should we become outraged when Doctors/lawmakers strive to educate and inform people of the risks. Drinking any amount of ethanol increases your risk of serious disease, therefore we feel you should be informed. Simple as that...

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1) Taxes on alcohol imply the government approves of it's use, however:

2) Next insurance companies will drop your coverage if you admit to drinking alcohol,

3) Next the government will disallow manufacture of alcohol consumptive related beverages,

4) Millions of jobs will be at stake, that make, distribute, sell and write about alcohol beverages,

5) What is 100% safe: alcohol, transportation/cars/roadways, guns, knives, sunshine???

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Research published prior by the British Medical Journal advocated the health benefits of alcohol consumption “in moderation” as part of the “Poly Meal Diet” which reduces cardiovascular risk by 76%, showing the alcohol contribution to be at least 32% reduction in heart attacks and strokes. Furthermore increase in life expectancy for both men and women consuming wine in moderation was greater than 6+ years for each. The longest living man and woman at the beginning of this century in the Guinness book of Records each drank a glass of red wine daily. Moderation: up to one glass of wine daily for women and up to 1.5 glasses (5 oz.) of wine for men. The so called increased risk prior identified for women of potential breast cancer from alcohol consumption was baseline as long as their folic acid (folate) consumption showed no deficiency on testing (published earlier research.). The benefit of red wine consumption also included decreased dementia and reduction in certain types of cancerous colonic polyps and prostate tumors in red wine consumers. The data is all out there from reputable medical published studies…and there is even more data. You are more likely to have your demise from a heart attack or stroke as you age - so red wines “consumed in moderation” play a clear role to lower this risk. Cheers - Serena Friedman, M.D.

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However you feel about the so-called science of the health remifications of moderate wine drinking, it is well to bear in mind that fully half of the U.S. budget is funded by alcohol taxes. This is the real reason why Prohbition was ended and marijuana is being legalized. Balancing the budget would require offsetting taxes on, say, orange juice and soda pop.

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Fuck Joe Biden folks pray he has s stroke and we can use the 25th amendment to get cackles harris out too and put a republican back in office

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You want Psychotic dementia layered over a low IQ layered over long-term drug abuse layered over malignant narcissism layered over homicidal sadism layered over unquenchable bloodlust layered over a life of crime layered over treason layered over a Complicit GOP for your next POTUS? WTF is wrong with you?

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Be gone femboy democrat shithead

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Let's please try to be more respectful.

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The country has been there before: PROHIBITION / 21st Amendment / Volstead Act

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Apparently this source hasn't researched Blue Zones, where large groups of citizens live to over 100+ and they trying to figure out how. ALL but the religious non-drinking sect consume copious amounts of wine, and live to over 100. Please don't be so ignorant and irresponsible to the beverage industry, get the facts.

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This has been a work in progress for Canadian researcher Tim Stockwell who's life's mission is to wipe out all alcohol use. He sits on an advisory board to the WHO which in large part is why they came out with their recommendation last year. He further drove the push for the Canadian Health Dept move to recommend 1-2 drinks per week versus per day. Here's the rub, his own research shows that 25-45 grams (1-2 standard drinks) of alcohol per day showed no greater health motality than those who abstain. Why is nobody pointing out that the man who's driving this new push for prohibition has research showing 1-2 drinks per day shows no greater health issues than not drinking at all?

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Read the report and spread the word. Tim Stockwells own research claim 25-45 grams of alcohol per day, the current recommendation, show no more health risks than abstaining.

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