Tom, as a small producer stuck between the rock and the hard place of too little inventory to attract multi-state distribution, and a world-class AVA that can't seem to break through to the larger wine public, I greatly appreciate the incredibly difficult work you have undertaken on behalf of your clients for the last MANY years. Making something Beautiful and being able to provide it to the larger world should be easier. Cheers to keeping up the good fight!

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Thank you, Steve. But the work of the NAWR is the work of its board of directors and members. I'm just a tool, but a very happy one that thinks the NAWR gets it exactly right. Keep making the good stuff!!

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Thanks for fighting the good fight Tom.

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Enjoy yourself, Tom! And I while I only have consumer skin in this game, I really appreicate all that you and NAWR do on this front.

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The continued acceptance of the three tier system boggles my mind. The antiquity of it alone is enough to give us pause in our acceptance of it. I have been involved in wine education for many many years and every time I try to explain to my students how the three tier system works, and how it came to be I get puzzled looks that eventually turn into complete disinterest. Wine has enough challenges as we attempt to encourage the next generations to embrace it. Access should not be one of those challenges.

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