The Fed's Lawsuit Against Wine Wholesalers Can't Fix the Problem
Feds take on a regulatory system designed to harm retailers and consumers
The Federal Trade Commission is claiming in a lawsuit that the discounted prices (often significant in size) that Southern Glazers Wine & Spirits extends to those gigantic chain retailers that buy large volumes of wines and spirits violate the Robinson Patman Act of 1936. The claim is that offering these large discounts to the likes of Total Wine, Walmart and others damages marketplace competition by putting small, independent retailers at a significant price disadvantage, which in turn harms consumers by by reducing choice and price.
I don’t know if the FTC has a good case. I’m not qualified to make the determination. However, I do know the FTC is correct in claiming these volume discounts offered to the largest retailers in the land absolutely do put smaller, independent wine shops at a significant disadvantage.
What’s also unquestionably true is that the damage done to the smaller wine merchants who pay higher prices from wholesalers is a feature of the wholesalers’ business model, not a bug. It is in the best interests of the largest wholesalers who (between just Southern and Republic) control nearly 50% of the wine and spirits market that more and more wine flow through the large chains and not through the small, independent wine merchants.
Wholesalers cut their costs and increase their profits by helping to diminish the number of small, dedicated wine merchants by charging them higher prices for the smaller amounts of wine they purchase. It’s far less expensive for a wholesaler to service large chains where they can drop off a pallet of wine than it is to service the small wine merchant who buys smaller quantities of many more wines.
Moreover, when there are fewer small wine merchants to service, wholesalers can reduce the diversity of wines they distribute, again increasing their profits by focusing on the bigger brands that large chains tend to sell.
However, the problem that these smaller wine merchants face is exacerbated by the fact that in addition to paying the highest prices, they are also forced to buy their inventories from Southern and other wholesalers, the same as the large retailers getting the discount.
The obvious reaction to being screwed on prices is for the smaller retailer to differentiate themselves from the Total Wines and Walmarts of the world by offering customers a selection of wines they can’t find at these larger retailers. But they can’t do that due to the three-tier system and its legal mandate that retailers only procure their inventory from the in-state wholesalers that screw them on price. These small retailers are FORCED to buy the same wine that the larger retailers are buying for less from the same wholesalers.
The other obvious way for small wine merchants to react to being screwed on prices is to find a larger market to sell to, specifically, the whole country instead of its local region and state. By cultivating a clientele across the country that appreciates their services and their selections and their convenience, retailers aren’t forced to compete with the big box down the road getting huge discounts on the same wines Southern Glazers’s offers them. But here again, retailers are screwed because state after state bans out-of-state retailers from legally shipping to their residents.
The issue of volume discounts and rebates that the FTC has focused upon as it deploys the Robinson Patman Act against Southern Glazer’s is already a confusing, complex issue even at the state level. Several states prohibit wholesale volume discounting under some circumstances but not others. Other states allow it. Some disallow it completely. The very issue of “discounting” is fraught at every level of the alcohol industry whether due to questions of illegal inducement, fairness, or temperance.
Take the great state of Pennsylvania. Not long ago the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) issued an “advisory” on the question of wineries offering volume discounts to customers at the tasting room. The problem is that some believed that in doing this, the wineries were engaging in illegal inducement to buy alcohol. The PLCB solved the issue by announcing the following:
A winery that has a sign indicating “20% off” if you buy a case of that $30 red wine is in fact an illegal inducement to buy alcohol. However, said the PLCB, if the same winery notes on a sign or price sheet that its fixed price for the same $30 bottle of red wine is $288.00 if the customer buys 12 bottles, that is not illegal inducement.
My point is that if this lawsuit goes forward, it’s probably going to get odd.
I’m in support of anything that can be done to bring the likes of Southern-Glazers and Republic National to heel, even if it is just forcing them to contend with the awesome powers of the federal government to make their lives more difficult by hauling them into court—whether or not the Feds have a good case.
These behemoth wholesalers spend hundreds of millions of dollars, take every step they can, and lie straight to the face of the public and lawmakers in their efforts to reduce consumer choice and step on the necks of both retailers and producers. I say “well done” to anything that the Feds do to expose their rent-seeking ways.
It’s not enough that archaic alcohol laws protect wholesalers from competition and support their obscene markups. They have to make sure America’s best wine merchants are put at a price disadvantage in the hopes they can run them out of business so they can then spend time simply servicing the largest retailers with the minimum effort. And again, all under the protection of state laws that haven’t served a legitimate purpose since 1965.
In the end, there is reason to believe the lawsuit brought by the FTC will end relatively quickly. The chairperson of the FTC who pursued this lawsuit, Lina Khan, will be replaced in the Trump administration by an FTC commissioner named Andrew Ferguson. It turns out that Ferguson was one of two FTC commissioners who voted against bringing this suit and issued a dissenting statement against the lawsuit. He was outvoted three to two. But when Khan leaves the FTC and is replaced by a commissioner who may be far less likely to support her aggressive anti-trust efforts, the Commission may vote to end the lawsuit before it really gets started.
The wine and spirits industry needs a modern approach that prioritizes consumers. Direct shipping, online marketplaces, and alternative distribution models can break down barriers for small retailers.
But let's not forget the harm caused by alcohol: no amount is safe. It leads to addiction, domestic violence, drunk driving... Let's also prioritize public health and safety through increased taxes, stricter marketing regulations, and education programs.
Reform the industry with consumer-first policies and protect our communities from the toxic effects of alcohol.
This country has seen 100% unregulated and the dangers that can bring iwith alcohol and the beinfet of udnerstnding that 100% Prohibition, only hands over a massive cash cow that helped entrench orgainzed crime in the U.S. while turning millioins of law biddign citizens into criminals for a drink. Updates are need, but what fool thinks that quanitty discounts are A) not a fundemanal basic concept in capitalism that benefits everyone, B) How did the only control state that was voted to privatiszed was fueled by a reatailer demanding QDs on Wine. The government ABC said NO, and the ABC only regulated, didnt' sell Wine in State Stores like Spirits. This was 2012, are people this stupid not to rememmber, that one guy, making it his last box to check before he retired, to get QDs on wine or bring down the ABC.
Am i taking crazy pills, as the State was Washington, and this could be the case of POLITICANS PROVING THEY ARE TOOLS SO STUPID THEY ARE THIS EAISLY MAINPULATED,
The retailer was a "local" homegrown Washington buisness, you know, mom and pop kind of place. Founded in Kirkland, now in Issaquah......the CEO was James Sinegal....just a few employees nationally, 333,0000, and revenue the size of a large countgry, $242mm, so again, does Quantity Discount have anyting to do with the Sucess and fundemanal concept of
But guess what, only big brands typcially sell at COSTCO, altheough they have some states where liquor section have a big variety, but we all know you go to a large store for the price, and if you shop at a convienet store, hence the name, you pay up, why, quantity discount. And why do small stores concentrate on speciality items, because they sell lower volume but higher margin.
THis is someone mainuplating a small minded Politcan, as QDs are commonsense to all consumers that drive shopping habits that most understand, if COSTCO couldn't get a break by buying a lot at one time, will prices stay low, well maybe but your membership will be MASSIVE
Alcohol is not toliet paper, as it is a great example of that "invisible" hand to guide it. A new fun brand of aclohocl hasn't come from Europe since the Mayflower, as slotting fees and tied houses and all that are not regualted and is a stale boring industry that has a lot of negative effects of those faults that the U.S. avoids (not at all claming the U.S. system is perfect!).
After Prohibition, the Feds set the "tone" or main concepts and then allowed the states to figure out the rest. Only those Federal guideline (for the most part) call out the Federal laws peratining to alcohol, like one cannot pay COSTCO to carry a poduct or to not carry a competitor, but almosmt all other Consurmer goods you can.... WIthout that, innovation dies (innvoation thrives first at small stores i wonder why) but policians often think that if the Feds didn't describe it, then it is up for tranlation by the State, and that is not true.
You cannot give local products peferatianal treamteme over those from other States, or whatnot.
It makes no sense, and the fact that COSCTCO ....sigh why bother.