"People with high-paying jobs, solid wealth accumulation, and/or pensions proclaim there's no reason to drink." (*insert eye roll emoji*) I think especially with groups like WHO and NIAAA - when all you see and study are the downsides, it's not surprising that your conclusion becomes that there are ONLY downsides. But how do those studies/numbers stack up to total world population and whatnot? It's like a prison guard saying all the evidence points toward inmates being irredeemable, or an test score analyst saying public education in low income communities is useless so why bother. There's a problem to be solved in there, all right. But the symptoms are never the problem itself.

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It's as if ANY reason for consuming alcohol is pathological, and these organizations need to investigate and get to the heart of the "problems." No mention or even conception of enjoyment, good food and wine, relaxation, the experience of a wine as an indication of place or origin is hinted at in the least. It's the New Puritanism in scientific guise.

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